Working with The Care Advice Line will not only ensure that your Council provides its citizens with information and advice on care and support including independent financial advice and access to regulated financial advice (as required under the Care Act), it will also support you to deliver on a number of your core strategies, including the ASCOF, deliver savings and cost avoidance savings, and reduce pressure and demand on your resources.
Competent information and advice will:
Support demand pressures whilst ensuring that individuals are provided with personalised information and advice and guided to appropriate sources of support or care.
Reduce care home placements due to improved awareness of alternative care pathways.
Mitigate the risk of 'bed-blocking' due to improved citizen awareness and timely access to information and advice.
Reduce Deferred Payment Agreement requets through awareness of alternative financial pathways.
Mitigate the risk of self-funders running out of money and falling back onto local authority budgets by referring them at the appropriate time to and appropriate specialist care fees adviser for regulated financial advice.
Deliver on wider obligations under the Care Act preventing, reducing or delaying need, promoting well-being, integration and partnership working.